Tutor Name : Dr. Heather Anne Ross
Education : Ph.D. Brown University, USA
A.B. Smith College, Magna Cum Laude, USA
Major: English Literature
Minor: Mathematics
Experience : Senior Scholar and Professor Emeritus, Department of English, York University
2002-4 Part-time Lecturer, Mt. Allison University
2002-4 Part-time Lecturer, St. Thomas University
1973-96 Associate Professor, York University
1968-73 Assistant Professor, York University
1964-68 Teaching Assistant, Brown University, Research Assistant
Lecture Course in American Literature
1962-64 Teacher, The Mary C. Wheeler School Courses Taught:
Mathematics (Grade 11) English (Grade 10)
MORE : Honours and Awards:
The Helen Kate Furness Prize (Smith College, 1961)
Equivocal Predication nominated for the following prizes: the
Explicator prize, Christianity and Literature award, James Russell
Lowell Prize, British Council Prize for best book in the Humanities(1981).
Visiting Scholar, St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge,1986-88.
Dean's Award for Outstanding Teaching (1990-91).
Publications and Professional Contributions:
- Equivocal Predication: George Herbert's Way to God (Toronto, 1981).
- Part of chapter one reprinted in The Critical Perspective, vol. 3 (New York, Chelsea House of Literary Criticism, 1989).
- John Donne and the Theology of Language (Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1986, with P.G. Stanwood).
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2009년 10월 13일
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