Tutor Name : Catherine Hayes
Education :
Bachelor and Master of Education
Medaille College Amherst, New York,USA
Bachelor of Arts, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Ontario Certified Teacher
Oxford Learning Centre, St. Catharines
- Tutor
Continuing Education Instructo -District School Board of Niagara, St. Catharines
Instructor of Literacy Basic Skills
-Niagara District Catholic School Board
EQAO – OSSLT – Long Essay Assessor
Additional Basic Qualification - Intermediate History 2009
Special Education - Part 1 2009
Special Education – Communication – Autism 2009
Tutor 2008 – Present
Oxford Learning Centre, St. Catharines
• Provide differentiated instruction for primary and junior students in Mathematics, Language, English as a Second Language and Study skills.
• Assist students develop strategies that will lead to their success.
Continuing Education Instructor
2008 – Present
District School Board of Niagara, St. Catharines
o Develop curriculum and deliver continuing education course.
o Responsible for course content, and apply effective instructional techniques relevant to the needs of learners.
o Maintain positive atmosphere and relations with students.
EQAO – OSSLT – Long Essay Assessor April 2009
Assistive Technology and Keyboarding Instructor 2005 – 2007
Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara, St. Catharines
• Research, master and instruct students on current assistive technology and computer keyboarding programs.
• Supervise Brock University students completing volunteer placements.
Computer and Keyboarding Instructor
Ontario College of Health and Technology, Stoney Creek
• Create and deliver relevant curriculum for students in the
Communications Dispatcher Program.
• Responsible for course content and assessment.
Instructor of Literacy Basic Skills
Niagara District Catholic School Board
• Create and deliver relevant literacy, numeracy and English as a Second Language instruction for adults.
• Perform informal assessments to determine the individual learner’s needs and develop individualized programs relevant to the student’s long term employment goals.
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